Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Frito testing the water

Pepe getting a boost to see if his mom is here yet

Tibby and Motzart- King and queen of the castle

Maya and Bill

Sleepy Tyson

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sophie, Jake and Junior are holding down the fort

Gazella makes friends with everyone, this week it's Riley

Monte and Cooper, one ball just isn't enough for these guys!

Charlie and Molly going for a dip on a sunny day

Argos and Kona keeping each other busy

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Pool is OPEN

It was the first nice day we've had in a while, seemed like a perfect day to open up the pool!

Kato diving in while Rusty waits his turn

Bella the water bug

Cooper is wondering if it's too cold

Waterloo and Gandolff getting their feet wet
Pool Party!

Fiona, Mason and Cooper are thinking about going for a dip

Jasper is always on the move

Chester thinks it's a super sized drink

Bear is waiting for his turn to go off the diving board, while Cooper gets a drink

Friday, March 5, 2010

Zoe keeping warm on a chilly day

Sadie and Kona

Daisy is waiting for her mommy

Cooper and Gunnar, best buds

Bella and Pehlevan